Thursday, May 28, 2009

Journal 5/27

We were supposed to go strawberry picking today but the weather is so wet and overcast plus Becky woke up in the middle of the night with a cold so we abandoned the idea. It was to be Sean, Becky and I.

Josh and Will met with Math tutor and did math most of the morning

Becky slept very late. Only got a little bit of spelling done with Sean and Becky. Like pulling teeth. S is droopy, Becky not feeling great and weather is dreary.

After math, Josh is rereading The Westing Game, Will played guitar

Read Bible story about Moses, first Egyptian Tale – Ra and his children to B and S. Read last chapter in the book On the Waterways about the steamboat race between the Natchez and Rob with while reading to keep her busy but she kept getting frustrated trying to line them up and then make them all fall over ert E. Lee, read next chapter of The Westing Game.

Gave Becky dominoes to play with while reading aloud so she wouldn’t interrupt so much. Big mistake, she kept lining up the dominoes so she could knock them down in a long row. Kept crying from frustration when she had trouble setting them up. However she built several of those rows and that was entertaining!

Made bacon and cheese sliders for lunch

Hannah worked on gov’t homework and paper then went out to lunch with St. Mark kids. Will couldn’t go as he was still working on math. Then H goes right to work at Starbucks.

Tried to look over CHC materials for next year but Becky wanted attention. Read her a Fancy Nancy book and then we played with beeswax.

S just talks about Homestarrunner, Psychonauts and the finer details of the art of animation.

VT for S and Will. Becky and Josh stayed home and watched Phineas and Ferb. They were outside in the front yard when I got home.

Will played piano and worked on Gov’t homework

Sean, Becky and Josh played outside. Josh and Becky found wild strawberries, picked them, washed them and tasted them. They had no flavor!

Lot of nature study today. Becky and Sean along with a neighbor and occasionally Josh found and ‘played’ with all these tiny toads in the yard. This provided them with hours of fun!

Josh finished reading The Westing Game in one day. I tried to reading it aloud to Becky and Sean but it is a little too scary for them so we are canning it!

Will was supposed to working on Gov’t homework but he just isn’t it. He’s like Tom Sawyer trying to get out of his work.

Took Will to band practice

Becky watched more Phineas and Ferb

Took Will and Josh to CLC. Came home and Becky and Sean were downstairs watching homestarrunner videos. I worked on the global puzzle Rick and I have been pecking away at since Saturday. None of the kids have been working on it. So much for strewing a map jigsaw puzzle to squeeze a little geography in. Actually, Josh has worked some on it.

Rick read The Hobbit to Sean.

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