Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Trip to Boston

Didn't get much done at all today! My excuse is my sister came to visit. She is my dear, sweet, wonderful sister who I don't see very often because she moved to Winchester and she works as a school teacher so I hardly ever see her during the school year, but now she's on summer break. It was lovely chatting with her. She took Josh back with her to spend the night. Josh and her son Anthony have been best friends since babyhood. They are the same age.

In between picking up Becky and Sean from music camp and ignoring the house, I've been planning our trip to Boston instead. I've just started reading Johnny Tremain aloud to Becky and Sean. Today while googling around I discovered this! I think to do a walking Johnny Tremain tour would be very cool indeed!

I also want to do the Duck tour which gives you a general overall understanding of the city and is fun as well. I'm also hoping to get a visit to the Children's Museum, the Science Museum and perhaps the Aquarium (though we've been to the one in Baltimore numerous times so I don't think that is really high on our list.). I also hope to visit the U.S.S. Constitution which I remember finding really fascinating. And I think that was located pretty close to Bunker/Breed Hill. I do want to go to Salem but I don't want to drive there. I'm hoping that the hotel can give me some kind of advice on a tour bus that goes there perhaps.

I did manage to get to Office Depot and buy a big wall calendar that I've put up on the side of my fridge. I also bought all the material for making my workstrips that I'm going to post on my cabinet doors. I bought other stuff too, like graph paper for the kids to do math on; graph paper really helps them write out their math problems more clearly so they don't make as many errors. I also bought another compass and protractor. Those things always wander off somehow and can never be found when needed.

I got Sean and Will to VT. And then we ate dinner at the Greek Dinner because I was craving Greek and was too busy reading Real Food to do any actual cooking! LOL! Then I got Will to his CLC meeting.

Becky and I finished reading On the Banks of Plum Creek. It was very pleasant. Becky made a bed for herself out on the table on the screen porch and I read the last 5 chapters aloud in one sitting until the sun had set and I could barely make out the words, but we just managed to finish it as the last light gave out.

Tomorrow I'd like to declutter my desk and the counter under the kitchen windows and maybe, maybe if I have tons of energy, I'll start on the credenza in the dining room.

1 comment:

Suburban Correspondent said...

Larry said there may very well be a train out to Plymouth. It's definitely worth finding a map of the T system and checking it out.