Sunday, August 24, 2008

Plans for the coming week

I was a bad, bad mommy and completely forgot to sign J up for chess camp this coming week. I meant to do it; I proceeded through life as if I had already done it; I can even go so far as to say I actually counted on sending him as if everything was squared away, but I never actually wrote the check and sent in the application. So tomorrow morning will see me begging the chess master to please, please forgive me and let J attend. He's gone the last two years, so I hope our dear chess master will relent (and actually has room for him). Otherwise, I have to do something really, really nice for J to make up for my sin of omission.

So if J gets into the camp he'll be there every morning. I think the only other thing I'll require of him is to keep up on his history reading.

If he doesn't get into the camp, well, I guess we'll just proceed with business as usual but I'll have to come up with something else to make up for my oversight.

For S and B we are going to start folding in Religion and Latin. I think for the first day I'll just do read alouds over breakfast in re Religion. For Latin, I think we'll just review the DVD lessons we covered last spring for the first couple of days at least.

I'm relegating Greek to 10 or 15 minutes after dinner on Mondays and Tuesdays.

H starts up her Spanish class at the community college on Mon and Wed. I am glad her school is finally starting up because she has been in a totally different orbit from the rest of the family and it felt alienating and it made me feel alternatively sad or resentful. But she's home today and she even helped clean up the kitchen.

So far I have been typing up a checklist of all the things I'd like to get done in day and keeping it on the fridge, checking off items or adding little notes as we go through the day. It's been working!

Okay, just felt compelled to jot these semi-plans down. Now I'm off to do the checklist!

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