Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Journal of the day 11/19/08

10:57 a.m.I'm going to see if I can journal every day this week (well, excluding Monday).

I have some kind of mild cold that makes my head feel all swollen at night and in the morning but gets better during the middle of the day. The wind is cold and hurts my head when I go out though. Where's my hat????

Up this a.m. to clean kitchen and read Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart. We are doing Poe on Thursday with the teens. Creepy story. I remember hearing it on a recorded book that my mother had when she was blind. Scared the heck out of me for days!!!!

Josh and Will got up and did some math homework. The math tutor came this a.m. instead of Monday. She's working with Josh right now while Will works in the study trying to finish up his homework.

Hannah got up, did more laundry and then went to Spanish class at comm. college.

I read two devotional stories to Becky and Sean from the CHC reader (over breakfast). Then Becky finished up her music theory homework.

Now she's in with the piano teacher having her lesson.

Sean and I just worked for about 20 minutes on Latin, he's really remembering the declensions very well and he seems to remember and understand the different cases. I love the way they explain things in Latin for Children. Now he's reading the next chapter in his book on St. Peter.

11:39 a.m. Sean did 1 page of phonics on the 'ar' sound. I hope this helps him with his spelling as his spelling is truly dismal. Then we did a couple of lessons in his Shiller math; a fun lesson on reading really big Roman numerals and another brain teaser type exercise that had you making up even and odd numbers following all kinds of silly rules.

Becky did some of her music theory right after the piano teacher left and now she is outside playing. It is bitter cold out. She keeps coming back in to put on another layer of clothing.

Josh finished up with the math tutor and took Tillie for a short walk. Now I'm giving him a short computer break.

Will is now working with the math tutor.

12:44 p.m. Becky requested a Mad Lib so she and Sean had fun while we did one. Becky did some LoG - putting a or an in front of words and speller - read 15 spelling words and wrote out 4 of them. Sean did a little bit of Greek. Josh did a lot of Greek. He's going to finish the book before any of us. I did some Greek too.

Will had a very long session with the math tutor; just finished and is now getting himself lunch.

Josh has gone off to study Kolbe history. I think I'll help him. Sean and Becky went downstairs to play super smash brothers. I forgot to do any math with Becky.

The rest of the day: must take Will and Sean to Vision Therapy @ 2:30. Then @ 4:30 I'll take the metro downtown to meet Rick. We are seeing Carmen at the Kennedy Center. But it is so cold out and I need to dress up for the opera. My feet will be freezing. Not looking forward to that! I need some nice warm dressy boots. Anyway, Hannah has to take Josh and Sean to Karate or maybe they can make up their class on Saturday. Will needs to get to CLC, maybe he can get a ride with his friend, Johnny.

I wish my new debit card would get here. I am lost without it!

Update: Saw Carmen with Rick. Denyce (sp?) Graves played Carmen! Rick kept falling asleep. The guy is just so tired. It was 3.5 hours long!!!!! While the music is incredible and you come out humming, the character of Carmen turns me off. I think what really irritated me was Ms. Graves and the summary in the program gushed about how Carmen is all about freedom. They had a very women's lib spin on it. Whereas the truth is she is an extremely selfish, manipulative, unstable and (as Rick put it) bitch from hell. She basically ruins Don Jose life and then leaves him for another and then finally taunts him into stabbing her. The guy who played the toredor had an incredible voice. I have to say that of all the operas we've seen so far La Traviata and The Pearl Fishers are my favorites.

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