Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saturday morning thoughts 5/26

Help! I don't feel motivated to do anything! I have been putzing around the internet for the last couple of hours. It has drained me of any motivation! I did run to the bagel place and get breakfast. I also packed a lunch for William. He went to do service work for the Mothers of Charity downtown.

Yesterday and the day before he talked of being a priest, but this morning he had decided on being lawyer. Ah, the vagaries of a soon to be 15 year old boy!

I didn't get anything done on my to do list yesterday, except schoolwork. So I think I'll bite the bullet and get busy. First, I'll say a rosary. Then I'll tidy up a bit. Then I'll hop in the shower. Afterwards I'll go sign up for the pool.

Okay, here I go!

Update! Well, I got completely sidetracked by planning for British Lit. I watched 3 hours of the video we'll be using The History of Britain, put out by the BBC and the History Channel. It is very engaging but a little over the top in filming style. Lots of gruesome close ups of actors pretending to be dead after a gory battle. Lots of silly camera angles and jittering shots of things. It is like the film maker felt the need to sex things up to make them interesting and got a little silly about it. But other than that, it is quite good. Professor Schama who narrates is very good.

I did manage to clean out one and only one pantry shelf. I also managed to do a bit of laundry. I did give the kitchen a thorough cleaning in the a.m. though by the p.m. you couldn't tell one bit.

One lovely thing is that lots of new books for next year have been arriving. I found an old plastic milk crate and have stored them all in there.

Then at night all the other kids settled in to watch a Harry Potter movie, so I went to the bookstore and bought the following:

Paradise Lost by John Milton
The Four Loves by C. S. Lewis
Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain
Gulliver's Travels by Johnathan Swift
The Story of England by Christopher Hibbert
A Little History of the World by E. H. Gombrich
British Kings and Queens by Mike Ashley
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

Even though this is Saturday's entry, I am posting it Sunday morning. Time for Mass!

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