Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday 1/15

Woke up at 7 to R's alarm. Felt so much better than I did yesterday! Got up puttered around, moved laundry. Ran to grocery store and bought donuts and trashbags. I really have to do a real weekly grocery run this pm.

S got up early and was watching Between the Lions. At 8:30 got everyone up. Made J and S put clean clothes away.

W got up early and was playing guitar and working on his timeline. H slept in but then got up and worked on timeline.

Somehow I never got my rosary said this a.m. Instead I researched Ivanhoe study guides.

After breakfast S asked me about Martin Luther King so we had a nice talk about him and I pulled out the last volume of History of US to show him and B a picture of MLK.

@ 9 or so B and S and I went downstairs. S told a long, long story that his friend Joseph told him yesterday. While he talked I tidied the downstairs, B helped a little. The we sang Father Abraham, did a little bit of mental math, went over 3x and 4x tables with S. Becky copied out Goo Gone from a label and then wanted to know what it spelled. I gave S spelling test on 5 words that had the -ea- = long e sound. He got 100%. Then he asked me to write out a sentence and he would punctuate it, so I did.

During this W and H went off to Chem class and J was reading The High King which he started last night and finished this a.m.

B found an old U.S. State Quarters map and wanted to know what it was for, so we wound up collecting all the quarters we could find and going through and putting in as many state quarters we could find. I think we're missing 15. This led to them counting out quarters and sorting the change into pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. So it was a geo and math lesson all at the same time.

I decided to take a shower and did, then came down and got the kids to help me take down more Christmas decorations. At some point J read a chapter in F&L. The kids really helped clean up. S was very happy unloading the dishwasher for me and we had a very nice chat. J and B helped put things away and then started a very boisterious game downstairs. Not sure what it is. After S was done his chores he ran down to join them. They are laughing up a storm tho. Something is very funny!

H and W came home. I sent H out to get lunch. Forgot to read Scripture readings during lunch!

Had Brit. Lit and Hist. It seems hard to get the class going again. Momentum is off. But we watched the next in the DVD series which was interesting about how the Hanoverian house was established and how Scotland fared during the Jacobite uprisings (badly!) and how commerce became the glue that began to hold England and Scotland together.

J did a bit of research on his science fair project. He wants to do something on acids and bases. he is very intrigued by chemistry.

B and S played a lot downstairs. I don't really know what they did.

Now I need to go grocery shopping.

9:38, went shopping, came home and made quesidillas for dinner. Earlier W had shown B how to burn her own disc from itunes. So she played it for us. The song everybody really liked was a famous Benny Goodman dance number; can't remember name. Anyway, B and S practiced their swing dance moves. W and J disappeared. I think J was playing some games downstairs illicitedly as I had said no more screen. Then B and S got into an idea of teaching dancing and then having auditions for a play. I interrupted to call everyone for reading aloud. H had gone to Theology of the Body class at church.

Read Horton Hears a Who and some more of The Little White Horse. R came home in time for prayers. Now he's just finishing dinner and he's going to read Half Magic to the littles.

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