Sunday, September 16, 2007

General plans for the week

H - pretty much on her own. I'm trying to be encouraging and offer help when she wants.

W - Really needs help getting organized and staying focussed. I typed up a list of what I'm requiring for him.

J - Have to get back into the habit of practing piano. M- finish up his first story. We never edited it, so we'll do that and put in final form. T-start next lesson in Classical writing. He's pretty much just doing the next thing, so it doesn't take too much planning.

S - Need to really start reading OT stories to him. Should I do that in the a.m. during 'school' time or in the evening? I think ending the day with a nice Bible story or two is a good idea. I'll try that and see how it works. Also try to get him painting again. This time just playing with color. Sometime this week I want to do the astronomy lesson with a ball an apple and a flashlight. I know I have it somewhere leftover from Stratton House Science. We are going to try to make a simple sundial. Tonight, need to go out and find North Star. We'll also do the next lesson in LLATL and continue with mental math, skip counting and probably a worksheet or two from MCP. M - teach lesson on the Mass from Montessori album to review for Mon. RE class.

B - Give her a little reading/spelling test if she likes that. Read fairy tale for D. Still haven't done tongue twisters!!! MCP math worksheet or two. Painting. Participate with Sean in astronomy. She wants me to read her Boxcar children books. Craft for week - dream catcher.

M - get daily rhythm rolling; cleaners are coming at noon. First RE class in evening.
T - Brit. Lit and History class in pm
W - VT, guitar lessons, gymnastics, chess, CLC
TH - Blue Knights/Little Flowers of Mary
F - morning craft, make challah again?
S - Virtus training
Sun - make meal for Isabel

I'm sure I missed a lot!

1 comment:

Willa said...

Faith, I like the way you list out your goals for the week in regard to each kid.