Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday 9/17

6:20 a.m. Woke up with headache, bad night but headache was gone by 8. Still, very low energy level today.

Got kids up by 8:30. J and S took shower/bath. H was up very early and out to Mass and Spanish. Will had a bad night but still got up at 7:30. He has been feeling queasy off and on for a couple weeks. not sure what is up with that.

We just said a decade of the rosary at breakfast. I read a little from All of a Kind Family. In spite of bad start, day has been going well. B and S have been playing with my camera making photo montages and videos. They've also been playing with these old Montessori sort blocks and making stacks and patterns with them.

Last night B asked if she could do 'homework' in bed before she went to sleep. So I gave her the MCP math workbook and she worked away at a few pages. She came out to tell me that she'd forgotten how to draw an 8. J also remembered he had math and did two lessons last night. W worked all day. He did all his math, lots of chemistry, completed his timeline for Brit. Hist. and read half of Sir Gawain. He was so wound up from working that he couldn't sleep and came into our room at 3 a.m. complaining of a stomachache.

Josh read a short sci fi story called a Subway called Mobius. Rick made a mobius strip and explained it to him. This a.m. he was telling B and S all about it.

Right now W is working on chemistry homework (he has lots to catch up on plus he didn't do well on the quiz, so he's working extra hard.)

I am focusing on laundry right now. Just about to corral the kids downstairs to do an abbreaviated circle time/VT. Then we'll clean up the basement. Cleaners are coming. Math tutor is due here in a few minutes. J practiced piano for a few minutes this a.m. and is now doing one more lesson before tutor arrives.

Tutor arrived and worked with Josh. Josh is excited because part of his homework is taking a survey. He has to ask 10 adults and 10 children a question. He came up with 'what is your favorite season.'

Finally did circle time with B and S very late. They were playing so well together that I hated to stop them. Both participated. Then we did mental math. There was a nursery rhyme in Becky's that was just supposed to teach the number 7 but it wound up being a big math problem that S and I had fun working out. B played on J reviewed 2nd declension nouns.

H returned. She got an 88% on her Spanish test. She's pretty happy because it seems many students failed. The teacher told her that high school students actually do better. Maybe they're more motivated.

W worked with Math tutor on Algebra II and chemistry.

After lunch, H and I worked on her timeline for Brit Hist. and then we discussed our RE class tonight. Kids scattered and did screen, I think. W did some more chem and screen.

I took B, J and S to playground. Wonderful weather. We could only stay only for an hour. J brought along his math survey to ask people in the park.

Home again, showered, made spaghetti for dinner, packed up and went to teach class. I was very nervuos but I think the guy I'm working with thinks of me as hi s assistant, so he sort of took the lead which was perfect. J wound up in my class. He was shy and I don't think he could hear well. All the 7 grade boys were so big! But they got into the class and it turned out very well. Right at the end I suddenly got a nosebleed and rushed out of class. I think the other teacher thought I was nuts, but I explained later. He's a pediatrcian it turns out. Very nice guy, very knowledgeable about the faith, good rapport with the boys. I am so glad they have men teaching the 7th and 8th grader boys.

Came home to messy kitchen. Note to self DO NOT cook big messy dinners on Monday nights. Will had to watch S and B and study for chemistry at the same time. H and W wound up staying up to 11:30 studying and completing homework. Chemistry is a lot of work. They really can't put it off until Sunday because they have too much other work due at the beginning of the week. It means they have to work all day Sunday and Monday.

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