Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday 9/25

Woke at 5 because B got into bed with me. Laid dozing fitfully.

R got up at 6. Alarm went off at 6:30. R left for CA at 7:00. Way too tired to do anything planned. H overslept and was mad at me for not waking her. She and W finished up chem and then went to class. Didn't make it to Mass. W finished Sir Gawain. H hasn't touched it since last class. Mad at her for blowing me off again.

Told kids it would be an unschoolish day. Read chapter on Succos from All of a Kind Family. J practiced piano and read synopsis of Taming of the Shrew. Now he's outside I think wandering around, watching construction. They are digging a mammoth hole where the new pond will go. Very deep.

B is drawing in her new drawing book I got her at B&N. I introduced S to Erik Satie's music yesterday because the little tunes S makes up on the piano reminded me of him. S is completely entranced and has been listening to Satie. He just picked out one of the tunes and played it on the piano. That kid is so talented! In between this they've been doing gymnastics. I've been looking at what to do for Sukkot.

Sukkot ideas - make graham cracker succahs, paper chains, leaf prints, color pictures of fruit, make stuffed pumpkin. It'll be fun.

Now I have to finish reading Sir Gawain, but first another cup of tea! Tonight we go to TAming of the Shrew.

2:50 on break from Brit Lit class. Just watched about Henry II, Becket, King Richard and King John and Magna Carta. Very interesting stuff. The kids were into it. Now I'm baking scones. We'll discuss Sir Gawain and Taming of Shrew and they can work on their timelines.

Finished Sir Gawain this a.m. S spent all morning listening to musics and figuring out both hands for Satie piece. B played and pestered. J wandered around daydreaming. I did manage to give him an oral spelling bee. He'll get a test tomorrow and He read Shakespeare and the The Globe.

During class J played on computer and B and S watched tv. I lost my temper with B because she was whining and interrupting class. I am really tired and I can feel myself bristling and being irritable.

Class is over. Pretty good discussion. Next week we'll watch the movie Becket and discuss The Prologue of Canterbury Tales. Homework is to read The Prologue and work on timeline up through King John. Now kids are just hanging.

Plans for tomorrow. Tonight will likely be a late one and I'm already really sleep deprived so I think we'll bag trying to go Mass and instead focus on our morning rhythm even if we don't start on time. So we'll say the rosary, Geography at breakfast, circle time, mental math, spelling/phonics, a little bit of VT. Also I'll read the story of D from OM 1st grade. Then we'll make leaf prints. We can use these to decorate our succah. Also, I must remember to read Bible stories in the evening. Haven't done this since Saturday. J - we can really work on Latin and history and I'll give him his final spelling test. Also, he should outline The Good Samaritan, practice piano and do his math homework. So he'll be busy tomorrow. No chess tomorrow night. But we still have VT, guitar, gymnastics and CLC.

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