Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday 11/19

Slept in very late! Totally forgot to have J do his math homework for his tutor. Boy is he up a creek right now! Gotta go hustle him along. Oh here he comes. he took a shower, I think. I can't always tell with that guy. He's now having pineapple upside down cake for breakfast and then he's going to launch into his homework and get at least a little done before the teacher arrives.

Will didn't get much sleep on his retreat so I'm letting him sleep in. I'm letting B sleep in because, well, life is so peaceful when she's asleep!

Anyway, this is Thanksgiving week so we're only half-heartedly attempting academics for Monday and Tuesday. Mostly I want to do things like make a Thanksgiving tree and read Thanksgiving books and clean my house thoroughly and make sure I have all the ingredients for cooking on Thursday.

So far I have:

2 small turkeys - one for roasting and one for the outside rotisserie. R got propane yesterday.
several bags of bread crumbs for the stuffing
celery and onions, seasoning and butter for stuffing
canned turkey gravy
potatoes for mashing
sweet potatoes, brown sugar and marshmellows (I'm making the recipe on the back of the marshmellows bag)
pumpkin pies - we got these at the pie bake sale at church and stuck them in the freezer.
cranberries - for making cranberry sauce

I am hoping that Susan will do some kind of veggie and her yummy homemade honey-oatmeal bread. I still haven't heard from her though.

I also promised B a lemon merangue (sp?) pie because she's decided that is the best pie in the world and can not hear the word pie without longing for a slice.

This week my environmental goals are:

1) to turn out lights. Everybody leaves lights burning and it is completely unnecessary and wasteful and bad for the earth, etc.

2) recycling - I hadn't put out recycling in a few weeks, but last night I went through it all and had R and W take it to the curb. So I feel good about that.

If I just work on saving electricity in the house and recycling, I'll bet we can single-handedly slow down global warming!!!!

Today the declutter focus is on the kitchen. I'm not going to bed unless it is really deeply decluttered.

I have RE tonight. Have to plan for that! Also must send out e-mail to Brit. Hist. group.

12:18 We had a relaxed morning. J joined us for our November songs. We did a little mental math. I read a short story about Thanksgiving and then we finally finished our lanterns. Both J and S happily did theirs. I also drew up the Thanksgiving Tree for our mud room door and cut out the leaves on which to write what we are thankful about.

Will had his session with the tutor. He has a quiz tomorrow on the elements. H went to library to work.

J is with the tutor now. B and S are munching on cheese crackers and playing down in the basement.

4:38 Tried to read from A Little History of the World at lunch. Read about Egypt which got kids discussing mummification. S wants to mummify apples. We tried to mummify a chicken a couple years ago and it was so gross!

H took S and J shopping for winter clothes. They just didn't have enough long pants and long sleeve shirts for the cold weather. B watched TV while I showered and planned for my RE class.

W practiced guitar and played computer games. Now he needs to study for his chem quiz tomorrow. He put up a new bird feeder in our backyard. We have bluebirds! Don't they fly south for the winter????

Quesadillas for dinner tonight. Need to declutter kitchen. Was supposed to do that earlier today!

9:46 p.m. I did declutter the kitchen island. Looks good!

Had very nice class with my new RE girls. The girls are so much easier to teach than the boys! They have a new thing now where the kids get their own envelopes where they can contribute whatever, either money or they can write down a good deed they've done. In class, we had a really good discussion about the prayers of the rosary, especially the Apostle's Creed. Then at the end the girls wrote Christmas letters to contribute to a big care package the church is sending to the troops.

I plan to have J also write a Christmas letter to the troops as well. Came home, helped get S and B to bed. R and H ran to the grocery store because we are out of the stuff we can't get at Whole Foods.

I am very tired!

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