Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Journal 9/29/09

  • Happy Michaelmas!
  • Finished Latin homework this a.m.
  • Got everyone up early; realized I had never run the dishwasher last night and the sink was full of dirty dishes that needed to be loaded into the already full dishwasher, so we did the sensible thing and went to IHOP for breakfast - studied our principle parts there
  • Went to Latin class - which was quite fun! We did Roman Geography, tried to speak in Latin as much as we could and acted out the 3rd chapter of Lingua Latina which was quite funny.
  • S did 100 subtraction facts, cursive practice and spelling; didn't get his outline exercise done
  • B did 10 place value problems, cursive and a page of her reading workbook, reading two syllable words.
  • After Latin went to Target to buy stuff like underwear, Fall jackets, new pjs, socks and J got two new pairs of khakis.
  • Came home just in time to turn around and take B and S to gymnastics. S liked gymnastics! I thought he'd start liking it after he got used to it but you never know that with that boy!
  • J did Algebra while we were gone - finished L. 7 and started 8.
  • W tried to mow lawn but he's waited until it go so long that it keeps choking it up and shutting off! Grrrr.
  • B practiced violin
  • Did S practice piano?
  • Took W to voice lesson
  • Rick read The Lightning Thief

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